
World Class Electronics Manufacturer offering the full spectrum of electronics and PCB manufacturing services from consigned to full turnkey manufacturing, material procurement, assembly, test, system integration and a comprehensive set of inspection and rework technologies.

25+ years of unparalleled track record
Celebrating 25+ years of unparalleled track record in customer satisfaction.
July 16, 2024Hooman Javdan

Ever since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the mounting geopolitical tensions taking place around the world, major weak points have formed in the supply chain that printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturers rely on.  As such vulnerabilities have manifested, an increasing number of people and businesses have come to depend on PCBs, as they are now a key component in everything from automobiles to personal electronic devices and medical equipment. A scarcity of PCBs could mean the hampered development of all kinds of vital electronic devices and tech.  In the wake of this shift, PCB manufacturers have been searching for methods to increase the...

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